Saturday, March 2, 2013

Google Oauth/Jetty 8 Conflict

I've been in the process of applying Google Oauth2 to some of my web apps. I ran into an issue when adding Google Oauth2 to a Jetty 8 application:

java.lang.SecurityException: class "javax.servlet.FilterRegistration"'s signer information does not match signer information of other classes in the same package

The problem is the with the dependency


This depends on an older version of servlet-api (javax.servlet:servlet-api:jar:2.5:compile), while Jetty 8 depends on Servlet 3 (javax.servlet:jar:3.0.0.v201112011016). 

You can run mvn dependency:tree to view the dependencies

To fix the issue I excluded the 2.5 in my Maven assembly dependencySet
